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New Study Finds More Complications for Younger Mirena Users

By November 17, 2014April 4th, 2022Mirena, Pharmaceutical litigation, Uncategorized

mirena_iud_birth_control_lawsuit_litigation_bayerA study looking at the relationship between age and Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) expulsion found that age does matter in regards to device complications. The study, Association of age and parity with intrauterine device expulsion, was published in October 2014, and was undertaken by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis.

The researchers discovered that for participants aged 14 – 19 years old, the rate of Mirena IUD expulsion was higher when compared to older participants. The overall expulsion rate for the younger participants was measured at 18.8, and for older participants at 9.3.

The findings of this study come at a particularly important time. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently endorsed the use of IUDs as a preferred form of birth control for young adults. Read more about the American Academy of Pediatrics announcement on IUDs for teenagers here.

Device expulsion does not come without danger. As numerous women have experienced, the Mirena IUD can cause serious internal damage when it becomes dislodged. Carey Danis & Lowe represents women who have suffered Mirena IUD injuries resulting from device migration. Many of these women experienced device perforation, organ damage, and infection.

Seek Justice Today

If you have been injured after using the Mirena IUD, we urge to you seek justice today. Carey Danis & Lowe is an experienced personal injury law firm that currently represents women who have experienced injuries just like you or your loved one.


Share your Mirena IUD story with us today. We are available to offer you our professional advice during a free, no-obligation case evaluation.