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Australian Women File Yaz Lawsuits

By September 11, 2015April 4th, 2022Pharmaceutical litigation, Yaz/Yasmin

yaz-lawsuit-settlements-yasmin-lawsuit-settlementsHow can you make the right decision without proper direction? Many women have asked themselves that question after their life-changing experiences using Yaz, Yasmin, or Ocella. These women suffered serious Yaz side effects, such as a heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism. And they’ve survived to share their stories, and to fight for their day in court.

These women want the maker of Yaz, Yasmin, and Ocella to be held responsible for a failure to warn health care providers and patients about the serious risks of using these contraceptive pills.

An article recently published by The Age, an Australian news agency, shared the experience of Amy Walker. Described as a healthy mother of three, Walker suffered a stroke―with only her young daughters present to help with contacting emergency responders.

This was a traumatic experience for the entire family.

According to Walker, the recovery period was taxing. The Age article stated that Walker “spent…the next few months unable to drive, cook or adequately care for her daughters.”

Experiences like these have pushed women to seek legal action. More than 1,000 Australian women, Walker included, have joined a Yaz class action lawsuit targeted at Bayer.

If you suffered from a Yaz heart attack, stroke, or blood clot, understand that you are not alone. There are women across the world who have been similarly impacted, and who are fighting to hold responsible the pharmaceutical giant behind Yaz. And the same goes for Yasmin and Ocella.

We are a law firm that is currently investigating Yaz, Yasmin, and Ocella cases. Carey Danis & Lowe offers free case evaluations, during which one of our experienced Yaz lawyers can walk you through your legal options, and whether filing a Yaz lawsuit is the right decision for you.

You can contact our law offices by phone at 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form here: https://careydanis.com/contact/.


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