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What is a Catastrophic Injury?

By November 3, 2015June 13th, 2019Personal Injury

What Causes Catastrophic Injuries?

Technically, a catastrophic injury could occur during any type of injury, but the majority of those seen occur from more severe accidents, such as:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Bicycle or pedestrian accidents
  • Near drowning accidents
  • Sports accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Defective products
  • Slip and fall incidents
  • Violent crimes
  • Fires or explosions

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state that falls account for more than 30 percent of traumatic brain injuries in the country, while auto accidents account for just over 17 percent. Car accidents are also responsible for over 40 percent of spinal cord injuries each year in the United States, according to data released from the Mayo Clinic.

Any time someone acts recklessly or negligently, there is a potential for a catastrophic injury to occur – and that individual responsible could be held liable for causing such injury.

While a majority of injuries heal on their own, there are those that are so severe that they can result in permanent injury or impairment – whether physical or mental. These injuries are referred to as “catastrophic injuries,” and they can include anything from spinal cord injuries to traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and even dismemberment. It is important to understand the difference between a catastrophic injury and regular injury – especially if you feel as though you have a valid personal injury claim.

Coping with Catastrophic Injuries

Anyone that suffers from a catastrophic injury will have long-term effects that affect their day-to-day life and even their quality of living. Most victims of these traumatic injuries are unable to resume life as it was prior to the accident and some may even lose physical or mental abilities because of their injury. In some cases, catastrophic injuries can dramatically shorten an individual’s lifespan.

Often the treatments for these types of injuries are extensive – ranging from multiple surgeries to expensive procedures and rehabilitative therapies. The intense pain and monetary suffering a victim will be enduring after a catastrophic injury is extensive. Some may even require around-the-clock care for the rest of their lives, which is a severe expense on its own.

Receiving Compensation for a Catastrophic Injury

Proving the extent of such injuries can be challenging. When someone is at fault (whether purposely or negligently), a personal injury attorney is often required to help ensure the victim receives financial assistance for all medical treatments, long-term care costs, lost wages or loss of earning capacity as well as their new quality of life. An experienced attorney can make a difference in these types of cases, especially when a victim must seek compensation for long-term care and pain and suffering – something only an experienced attorney knows how to accurately compute.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a catastrophic injury, contact an attorney at Carey, Danis & Lowe Attorneys at Law. We offer free consultations for all personal injury victims and we can discuss your options for seeking compensation as well as holding those responsible for your injuries accountable for their actions. Contact us now toll-free at 877-678-3400 or fill out an online contact form to schedule your appointment.