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Transvaginal Mesh Side Effects Can Last A Lifetime

Boston Scientific Ordered to Release Defective Transvaginal Mesh DocumentsBoston Scientific Ordered to Release Defective Transvaginal Mesh DocumentsThough medical devices are developed to improve lives, such is not always the case when discussing transvaginal mesh products. Used to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP), women who have received an implant of a transvaginal mesh product often have not been fully informed of all known health risks associated with mesh.

In an interview for The Globe and Mail, a Canadian news publication, a clinical professor in the urology department at the University of British Columbia was quoted as saying that, due to transvaginal mesh being designed as a permanent implant, removal of the product is challenging, as it is often already fused with surrounding tissues.

Thus, for women who have suffered injuries from transvaginal mesh products, complete removal of the product may not be possible. As a result, severe pain becomes a constant for these women.

The article in The Globe and Mail also describes how the Canadian equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, has done little to educate women, as well as healthcare providers, about the health risks posed by transvaginal mesh products.

When making important health decisions, the article states, it is of the utmost importance for women to be able to weigh all of the known risks with the benefits.

Carey Danis & Lowe Represents Mesh Users

A personal injury law firm with headquarters in St. Louis, Carey Danis & Lowe represents women across the U.S. who have been injured by transvaginal mesh products. When you seek legal assistance from Carey Danis & Lowe, you can rest assured that our lawyers work tirelessly to recover losses for you.

If you or someone you love has been injured by transvaginal mesh, we invite you to share your case with us during a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Contact Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form.