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Recall for Stryker Hip Implants Spurs Lawsuits

By May 1, 2013July 17th, 2019Personal Injury

Following the product’s recall, several lawsuits have been filed by individuals who received Stryker ABG II hip implants and suffered personal injury as a result. The defendants in these lawsuits are Stryker Orthopaedics and Howmedica Osteonics Corporation, Stryker’s parent company. Allegations include complications resulting from defective Rejuvenate and Stryker ABG II implants.

In one case filed on February 1, a Texas man alleges he suffered serious injuries and required two surgeries because of the defective implants. On March 31, 2010 the man received a total right hip replacement because of arthritis and osteonecrosis. Because he needed a durable implant and because he was young, the man was allegedly led to believe this particular implant would work well. He received a total hip replacement on February 2, 2011 on his left hip, receiving the same Stryker ABG II implant.

Unfortunately, within months, the implant recipient had difficulty walking and was experiencing pain at the sites of the implants. A voluntary recall was issued by Stryker in July, 2012 for the ABG II and Rejuvenate modular neck hip stems. Reportedly, some devices had failed as a result of heavy metal corrosion and fretting. Allegedly the plaintiff’s doctors knew by this time that high metal ion levels in his blood were being caused by the Stryker ABG II implants and the implants were becoming loose. He underwent a difficult revision surgery in October 2012 to remove the implant from his right hip. He required physical therapy for several months and had to have the implant removed from his left hip in January 2013.

In addition to the Texas man’s claim, his wife has filed a loss of consortium claim. Her husband’s surgeries and the accompanying physical therapy has made it necessary for her to spend so much time taking care of him that she was unable to find employment.

Many individuals who received the Stryker ABG II implant and suffered complications as a result may be eligible for product liability settlements or a personal injury claim.

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