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Yasmin – Stroke Recovery

By August 4, 2010July 9th, 2019Uncategorized

The drugs Yaz and Yasmin continue to be associated with a thickening of the blood, a raise in blood potassium and the increased potential for stroke. A stroke is a debilitating event that can lead to extensive, long-term consequences if not outright death in patients afflicted. It can be terrifying to experience, and can take an extensive amount of time to recover from. The therapy required for rehabilitation after a stroke is both mental and physical in nature, and can pile up costs very quickly for patients who aren’t prepared for such an eventuality.

One of the more common results of a stroke is paralysis or at least a reduction in function in the limbs. This can take the form of delayed responses, limb shaking or displaying weakness in picking up objects, as well as a complete lack of sensation or ability to raise the affected extremity. Depending on the severity of the condition, this can sometimes be treated with physical therapy and strength-building exercises.

Another condition that isn’t quite as well understood, and thus is no less difficult to treat, is aphasia. Aphasia is the inability to comprehend words. There are two broad types of the condition, spoken and written. Spoken aphasia indicates the inability to understand what you or others may be saying. Written aphasia is the inability to read or write coherently because the words “just look wrong.” Either one can be a terrifying experience, because they entail having to learn how to use language all over again in some cases. The physical effects of a stroke are bad enough, but to throw in an inability to communicate is an exceptional burden.

Physical and mental therapy takes a lot of time. There are no quick answers or easy solutions for people whose bodies have been debilitated by a stroke or hemorrhage in the brain. With this in mind, the risks of Yaz and Yasmin can quickly be seen as being somewhat unbearable.
