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Woman Claims Tendon Rupture After Taking Levaquin for 3 Months

By December 5, 2011July 10th, 2019Uncategorized

Yet another plaintiff, Carmin Wilson, filed a Levaquin lawsuit on November 8, 2011 in the U.S. District Court in the District of Minnesota, Illinois. Her lawsuit is claiming that the defendant, Johnson & Johnson, didn’t properly warn her of the controversial antibiotic’s ability to cause her to suffer from severe tendon ruptures.

Wilson’s lawsuit alleges that Levaquin, which is also known as levofloxacin, caused her to suffer from “severe and debilitating tendon injury.” Tendon ruptures are the most common adverse side effects linked to Levaquin. Wilson began taking the drug on February 17, 2011 and developed a tendon rupture to her left Achilles by May of 2011. In her lawsuit, she is claiming that she has suffered from “significant pain, swelling, stiffness and lack of independence and is unable to engage in many activities (she) once enjoyed.”

Wilson’s lawsuit also claims that her condition is permanent and accuses Johnson & Johnson of “negligence, product liability, fraud and violation of consumer protection laws.” She is seeking in excess of $75,000.

This newest lawsuit joins thousands of others that are all alleging the same thing. Like the other cases, there is no way of knowing how her case will be decided. Three previous lawsuits have made it to trial with only one of them resulting in an award for the injured. However, with thousands of Levaquin lawsuits pending, each case is different in specifics.

If you have suffered from tendon ruptures after taking Levaquin, you should contact an attorney to see if your injuries are eligible for compensation. John Schedin won his case earlier this year with an award of almost $2 million. While the defendants appealed, the decision was upheld. This case proves that not all Levaquin lawsuits are the same and, like Carmin Wilson and thousands of other defendants, your case deserves to be heard in a court of law.