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Study: Ruptured Tendons Can be Eased with Ankle Position

By January 25, 2012July 15th, 2019Uncategorized

There may be some good news in store for Levaquin patients who have suffered from a tendon rupture. According to a study conducted by Assad A. Qureshi, M.Sc., M.R.C.S., of the Leicester Royal Infirmary in the United Kingdom, the gap that forms after a person (like a Levaquin user) who suffers from a ruptured Achilles tendon can be reduced just by repositioning the ankle.

For the study, researchers used a dynamic ultrasound as a means of monitoring 26 patients who suffered from a unilateral acute complete Achilles tendon rupture. The injury revealed that the mean distance of the rupture that started from the calcaneal enthesis was approximately 52 mm (which puts it at a range of 40 to 76 mm). The researchers then used the ultrasound scan as a means of measuring the gap distance between the edges of the tendon while the ankle was resting in a neutral position and with the knee extended. This gap was then measured while the foot was in an extended position, with the foot extended to it max. The researchers learned that the position of the ankle and knee had a significant impact on the gap distance (and maybe the amount of pain patients felt) with the different positioning.

The ultrasound showed that the gap distance decreased by a significant amount when the ankle was moved from one position to another. Research authors wrote that, “Maximum ankle equinus alone significantly reduces the gap distance after acute Achilles tendon rupture. Increasing knee flexion further reduces the gap distance by small increments that, although significant, may not be clinically important.”

This research may be able to help some Levaquin patients who are suffering from tendon ruptures to ease their pain, if only a little bit. Tendon ruptures are a well-documented side effect of using the controversial antibiotic Levaquin. While it is more common for senior patients and those taking corticosteroids to suffer from Levaquin tendon ruptures, patients of any age group are susceptible. This new research may help to give a small amount of comfort to the patients waiting for surgical assistance.