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GMO Corn Seed Lawsuits on the Rise

By June 19, 2015October 22nd, 2018Class Action, Consumer protection, GMO

gI_118526_cdl-pr-122014-gmo-corn-seed-lawsuitsMore and more GMO corn seed lawsuits are being filed in the multidistrict litigation (MDL) in Kansas. In one month, the lawsuits targeting the biotech giant, Syngenta, climbed from 300 to almost 1,800. The big increase in GMO corn lawsuits indicates that U.S. corn farmers want to hold Syngenta accountable for their handling of the GMO corn seed, Agrisure Viptera.

These lawsuits assert that Syngenta sold GMO corn seeds that were disapproved by a major U.S. trading partner―China. These U.S. corn farmers were set up for failure, planting, growing and harvesting a crop for which there was no buyer.

According to a court document, Syngenta received warnings from corn industry insiders. These warnings expressed concern about Syngenta selling Agrisure Viptera to U.S. corn farmers without first seeking approval from China.

The corn industry insiders warned that there could be serious economic repercussions for U.S. corn farmers if Syngenta began selling Agrisure Viptera.

Clearly, Syngenta ignored these warnings.

Our corn lawyers can help you recover losses.

Carey Danis & Lowe is a law firm with headquarters in St. Louis. Our corn lawyers understand how so many Midwestern towns depend upon a successful corn growing season. That is why our law firm works tirelessly to recover losses for U.S. corn farmers.

Contact Carey Danis & Lowe for a free case evaluation. One of our corn lawyers can discuss your case, analyze your compensation eligibility, and if applicable, guide you through the process of filing a GMO corn seed lawsuit.

You can reach Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form.