When Sage Stallone, Sylvester Stallone’s eldest son, died, many people assumed that he committed suicide. This is not case, says young Stallone’s friend Stephen Wozniack.
According to TMZ, while Stallone’s death is still being investigated by the police, they are trying to find out if Stallone was dealing drugs or using them. The reason for the probe is because police initially found a number of pill bottles at the scene where Stallone died. However, Wozniack asserts that Stallone was not suicidal when he died and was making plans to resurrect his film career.
“I spoke to him a few weeks ago. We talked about resurrecting a film we worked on, other projects, talked about his girlfriend and time they would spent together,” contactmusic.com quoted Wozniak as saying. “We talked about my wedding and he seemed to be thinking about it.”
Wozniack also stated that Stallone was suffering from anxiety and that he saw various pills in his possession. Some of those pills included Vicodin, Klonopin and Paxil. Wozniack does state that Stallone didn’t drink or do recreational drugs, but did smoke as many as three packs of cigarettes a day.
“He would have withdrawal and get depressed,” he noted. “He would try to overcompensate. He would try to clown around and I know that those are things people do, medicate or wake up. He was no different.”
While Stallone’s autopsy was inconclusive, it will take several weeks before toxicology tests are ready. Sage Stallone was found dead on July 13 in his home. Since his death, many people are wondering if he was suicidal and took his own life with the prescription medications. This behavior is not unexpected or uncommon in Paxil users. In fact, Paxil has long been linked to violent and suicidal thoughts and behavior in patients.