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Vaginal Mesh Update: Jury Decides Boston Scientific Lawsuit

boston_scientifi_transvaginal_mesh_lawsuitThe latest transvaginal mesh lawsuit update involves the jury having ruled in the second Boston Scientific transvaginal mesh lawsuit to go to trial. The lawsuit was being heard in a state court in Massachusetts, and involved the plaintiff, Maria Cardenas.

According to Bloomberg, Cardenas filed her lawsuit against Boston Scientific after sustaining injuries from the Obtryx sling, which Cardenas received to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Cardenas claimed that the Obtryx sling caused her such severe pain that she had to undergo surgery to have the medical device removed.

After 17 hours, the jury decided that the Obtryx sling is not a defectively designed product. In addition, they concluded that Boston Scientific did provide sufficient warning about the risks involved with use of their device.

Even though this particular jury ruled in favor of the device maker, the fact remains that thousands of women have been injured by transvaginal mesh and bladder slings. After extensive investigation into individual transvaginal mesh injury cases, it is clear to the defective medical device lawyers at Carey Danis & Lowe that these kinds of products pose a significant threat to patient health and safety.

Carey Danis & Lowe Represents Transvaginal Mesh Victims

A St. Louis law firm, Carey Danis & Lowe represents women in transvaginal mesh lawsuits across the United States. In working closely with each of our clients, we have come to understand the depth of pain and suffering caused by defective medical products. If you have sustained injuries from transvaginal mesh or a bladder sling, we encourage you to begin exploring your legal options today with Carey Danis & Lowe. Our lawyers are ready to assist you in holding accountable the manufacturers behind these defective medical devices.

Share your transvaginal mesh story with Carey Danis & Lowe today by calling 800.721.2519, or by submitting a personal injury claim form. Our law firm offers free case evaluations.

We look forward to working with you.