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Research Participant Injured by Mirena IUD

mirena_mdl_lawsuit_dvt_blood_clot_settlementsA woman who participated in a Washington University School of Medicine study claims to have sustained permanent injuries from the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD), Mirena. The research study supplied participants with free contraception over a three year period.

The woman, Deanna Delancy, said in an article recently published by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, that in making her contraception selection, researchers offered her little information on the risks of the Mirena IUD. Delancy said that if she had known about the risks associated with the device, she would not have chosen it.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article, researchers in the study were implementing the Mirena IUD in a way discouraged by Bayer, the manufacturer behind the contraceptive device. In their defense, the School of Medicine stated that issuing medical products to patients in an off-label manner is not a rare decision made by medical experts.

As a result of what she claims to be injuries sustained from the Mirena IUD, Delancy has undergone two surgical operations to repair heart valves. Furthermore, due to her increased risk of developing blood clots, she now consumes a blood-thinning medication.

Though the Mirena IUD has been more closely associated with tissue perforation, it is not uncommon for certain types of hormones used in contraceptive devices to heighten the risk of developing a blood clot. The synthetic hormone used in the Mirena IUD is levonorgestrel, a second generation progestin.

Delancy’s case is unique in that the administration of the Mirena IUD occurred at a time discouraged by Bayer. However, when it comes to defective drug and medical device injuries, Carey Danis & Lowe knows from experience that each of these injuries comes with a unique story of distress.

We invite you to share your story with us in a free initial case evaluation. Carey Danis & Lowe defective medical device lawyers are here to carefully walk you through your legal options.

Our team of experienced lawyers is available to help you. Contact Carey Danis & Lowe today by phone at 800.721.2519, or complete one of our confidential personal injury claim forms.