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Missouri Motorcyclists Involved in Head-On Crash

By September 3, 2008July 18th, 2019Auto Accidents

Two Missouri motorcyclists were injured in a Labor Day crash, when a pick-up truck crashed head on into the motorcycle they were riding, The Carthage Press reports.
The accident occurred on County Road 130 just south of Carthage. The driver of the pick-up truck failed to remain on his side of the road and crashed into the motorcycle when the vehicles reached the crest of a hill.
Daniel L. Cupp, 55, and Deborah Cupp, 54, were riding on the motorcycle. They suffered moderate injuries as a result.
The seminal “Hurt Report” noted that in two-thirds of multiple-vehicle accidents involving motorcycles a motorist violated the motorcyclist’s right-of-way. The failure of motorists to notice motorcyclists was also found to be a common cause of motorcycle crashes. Drivers involved in accidents often did not see the motorcycle before the accident or until it was too late to avoid the crash.
If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident resulting from the negligence of another or a loved one has been hurt or killed in such an accident, please contact our attorneys for legal assistance as soon as possible.
The lawyers of Carey, Danis & Lowe are experienced in helping people who have been hurt as a result of the negligence of another. We will seek compensation for past and future medical expenses, past and future wages, pain and suffering, disability and other damages. We also represent family members in wrongful death cases.