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Misdiagnosed Student Lost Arm From Flesh Eating Bacteria

A medical malpractice lawsuit maybe filed by the family of a college freshman who lost her arm as a result of a flesh-eating bacteria against the student medical center at Ohio University, reports the student-run newspaper The Post.
On Sept. 6, 2007, a pain in her right arm sent Molly Millsop to the Hudson Health Center. After diagnosing the journalism student with a sore throat and muscle strain, doctors sent her home.
An hour-and-a-half later, a tearful Millsop returned to the student health center. She was barely able to climb the steps and feared she’d pass out. This time, doctors said she was suffering from anxiety. They gave her Aleve and animal crackers before sending her home.
Later that day, Scott Millsop collected his daughter from the campus and drove her to O’Bleness Memorial Hospital. Doctors there diagnosed her with necrotizing fasciitis and had her airlifted to OSU Medical Center in Columbus. That night, Millsop’s arm was amputated and portions of her shoulder and collarbone were removed.
The sage is detailed in the article, “Hudson could face malpractice lawsuit,” written by senior campus writer Chris Kardish.
Millsop’s father claims that the Hudson Medical Center misdiagnosis wasted precious time. As a result, his daughter’s injuries were much more severe than they should have been.
As the article notes, Hudson Medical Center has been the subject of criticism in the past.

“A fall 2007 report by an independent consultant found Hudson significantly understaffed and warned that doctors who see too many cases risk ‘missing the extraordinary problem hidden amongst the ordinary ones.’
When Hudson opened in 1949 eight physicians served 5,600 students. Today, four physicians and two nurse practitioners serve more than 20,000 students.”

The lawyers of Carey, Danis & Lowe are experienced in helping families injured by medical negligence. We will seek compensation for past and future medical expenses, past and future wages, pain and suffering, disability and other damages. We also represent family members in wrongful death cases.
We offer a free initial consultation. If you cannot make it to our office, we will come to you at the hospital or at your home.
Contact the lawyers at Carey, Danis & Lowe today by calling 877-678-3400.