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Levaquin: The list of side effects goes on and on

By September 27, 2010July 9th, 2019Uncategorized

Levaquin (levofloxacin) is a popular brand of antibiotic prescribed for treatment of some kinds of bacterial infections. It is a member of the fluoroquinolone form of antibiotics, and typically is prescribed for bacterial infections found in the sinuses and bronchi as well as for skin infections and certain genitourinary infections.

Levaquin also has many side effects. It’s been known to generate liver damage. Symptoms of possible liver damage include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Levaquin users also report nervous system disorders. These symptoms can include convulsions, insomnia, confusion, anxiety and depression. Nervous system disorders can also include any change in sensations, such as weakness, burning, tingling, numbness or pain. These types of symptoms might signal Levaquin-induced nerve damage.

Many antibiotics claim diarrhea as a possible symptom after treatment has ended. But with Levaquin, there have been reports of inflammation of the colon with chronic diarrhea and bloody stools with cramping and fever. In some rare cases, Levaquin may cause a serious antibiotic-induced diarrhea condition called pseudomembranous.

Levaquin may increase the chance of tendon injuries. These injuries occur more frequently in seniors or those who also take corticosteroid medications. The most common injuries reported are tendon ruptures and tendonitis in the shoulder’s rotator cuff, the hand and particularly the Achilles’ tendon in the foot. To repair these tendon injuries, some patients may require extensive surgery.

Levaquin also has a long list of drugs that it may interact with. These include amiodarone, aminophylline antacids containing aluminum hydroxide, calcium, magnesium hydroxide (not to be taken within two hours of levofloxacin), anti-diabetes medications, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), buffered antiretroviral medications (like didanosine), caffeine, calcium supplements and multivitamins containing calcium (not to be taken within two hours of levofloxacin), cisapride, disopyramide, erythromycin, iron supplements and multivitamins containing iron (not to be taken within two hours of levofloxacin), medications taken to control heart rhythm, oxtriphylline, phenothiazines, quinidine, sotalol, sucralfate (not to be taken within two hours of levofloxacin), theophylline, tricyclic antidepressants, warfarin and zinc supplements and multivitamins containing zinc (not to be taken within two hours of levofloxacin).

If you have experienced tendonitis or a tendon rupture or any other tendon-related illness while on Levaquin, you may be entitled to financial compensation and should contact an attorney to see if you qualify for a Levaquin lawsuit.