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Zoloft MDL No. 2342 Progresses with Order to Submit Initial Discovery Zoloft Birth Defect Cases

By January 10, 2013March 15th, 2022Pharmaceutical litigation, Uncategorized, Zoloft

Zoloft MDL Updates: Zoloft MDL No. 2342 Progresses with Order to Submit Initial Discovery Zoloft Birth Defect CasesThe Zoloft Multi-District Litigation No. 2342 being heard in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has made progress as regards setting the date for the first trial. According to Pre-trial Court Order 15, the first trial is currently scheduled for September 12, 2014. This is a tentative date that is dependent upon completion of all pertinent discovery by both sides.

This same court document from the Zoloft MDL details that by January 11, 2013, both the Defense and the Plaintiff’s counsel must deliver selections pertaining to Initial Discovery Group Cases, which will help in determining which cases enter the Trial Pool Cases.

The court has ordered that selections of cases that are representative enough for Trial Pool Cases should be supplied to the court by March 15, 2013.

According to a December 2012 article published by The Madison Record, there are currently 250 Zoloft cases that have been consolidated into the Pennsylvania MDL. What is more, there remain a number of Zoloft lawsuits pending in state courts that have not yet been consolidated into the MDL. State courts hearing these Zoloft lawsuits include Illinois, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Plaintiffs in the Zoloft MDL claim that the use of Zoloft during pregnancy resulted in the development of birth defects in newborn children. These Zoloft birth defects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Congenital heart defects
  • Atrial septal defects
  • Ventricular septal defects
  • Omphalocele
  • Craniosynostosis
  • Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)

Zoloft is an anti-depressant drug manufactured by Pfizer. Zoloft is categorized as a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, or SSRI. These types of antidepressants have a strong link to the development of birth defects in children exposed to an SSRI drug while in the womb.

If your newborn child was exposed to the SSRI medication Zoloft while in the womb, and as a result, developed life-altering and health compromising birth defects, you and your child may be entitled to receive recompense for your physical suffering, emotional suffering, and medical expenses.

For more information about filing a Zoloft birth defect lawsuit, contact an experienced trial lawyer at Carey Danis & Lowe. Our pharmaceutical product liability lawyers will provide you with a free legal consultation about your Zoloft case. Call a Zoloft lawyer at Carey Danis & Lowe today at 800.721.2519.