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Wrongful Death Suit Charged Against Nursing Home

By November 30, 2011July 10th, 2019Uncategorized

A League City nursing home in Galveston County, Texas has been accused of wrongful death stemming from rampant neglect in the case of a 78 year old resident.

On March 4th of this year, Regal Care Center resident Rachel Mohr was heard shouting for help from her room. Staff found her on the floor of the room beside her bed, having apparently fallen. According to attorneys filing the suit, Mohr was alert and coherent, and very obviously and vocally in severe pain when she was discovered. She had struck, and was bleeding from, her head at the time of her discovery. Yet instead of sending her for medical care, orderlies placed her back in the bed and left her there. A later checkup found her unconscious and unresponsive. At this time, orderlies sent her for medical treatment to a nearby facility where she later died.

The facility where Mohr died is unclear, and attorneys filing the suit on behalf of Mohr’s family were unsuccessful in getting this information. They mention this in the suit as part of the grievances against the Regal Care Center.

The suit maintains that a number of factors were the cumulative cause of Ms. Mohr’s death. Mohr was classified as a high fall risk, yet the prescribed precautions for her were not taken. These would have included a low-level bed and floor mats, as well as a fall alarm that would alert staff to a predicament much sooner. None of these things were provided. The suit maintains that the staff at Regal Care Center were not adequately trained, nor properly educated as to Mohr’s particular situation and needs.

Exacerbating the situation, the facility has refused to honor no less than ten requests by Mohr’s family for her medical chart. They claim that the chart is with their attorney, and they further refuse to release the attorney’s contact information, so the family is currently unable to retrieve her records. This has worried attorneys for the family, who are asking a judge for a restraining order to prevent the facility from attempting to destroy Mohr’s records. A hearing on the matter was to be held earlier this month.