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Vaginal Mesh Lawsuit Update: Ethicon Handed $3.27M Verdict

ethicon johson johnsonThe second bellwether case to be heard in the Ethicon multidistrict litigation (MDL) in a federal court in West Virginia has wrapped up its proceedings after approximately two weeks. The transvaginal mesh lawsuit resulted in a jury verdict ordering the Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, Ethicon, to pay the plaintiff, Jo Huskey, an award of $3.27 million.

This jury verdict comes on the heels of the first bellwether trial that concluded in Ethicon’s favor earlier in the year.

According to Reuters, Jo Huskey received an implant of Ethicon’s Gynecare TVT Obturator (TVT-O), which is a transvaginal mesh product that has been described as a midurethral sling by an Ethicon spokesperson.

In 2011, Huskey received the Gynecare TVT-O to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI). After experiencing extreme pelvic pain, Huskey filed a lawsuit targeted at Ethicon claiming that the Gynecare TVT-O was the cause of her severe pain.

The jury that heard Huskey’s case clearly agreed with her claim linking her pain to the bladder sling. The jury also decided that Ethicon was guilty of selling a defective medical product and negligent in warning health care providers and patients about the possible risks and side effects associated with their transvaginal mesh products.

The team of transvaginal mesh injury lawyers at Carey Danis & Lowe are encouraged by the jury’s decision. As a St. Louis law firm that works with women and their families across the country in similar cases, we understand the incredible pain and distress dealt by defective medical products.

For a trial to conclude in favor of a plaintiff who suffered enormously is always welcome news.

Carey Danis & Lowe Represents Victims

Carey Danis & Lowe is an advocate of women who have been injured by transvaginal mesh products, including Ethicon’s Gynecare TVT-O. If you or someone you love has received a transvaginal mesh implant, and has sustained serious injuries, we encourage you to contact our law firm.

Discuss your legal options, compensation eligibility, and any medical concerns with one of our defective medical device lawyers and a doctor or nurse from our medical professional team. Carey Danis & Lowe offers free initial case consultations.

We are available to listen to your transvaginal mesh story. Contact Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or complete our confidential personal injury claim form.