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UK Doctors Warn Patients of Yasmin & Yaz Side Effects

yaz_lawsuit_yasmin_side_effects_lawsuits_dvt_blood_clot_settlementsAn article recently published by UK news organization the Daily Mail describes the country’s increased efforts in requiring physicians to adequately warn patients of the risks of using certain kinds of oral contraceptives. The article specifically mentions the oral contraceptive drug, Yasmin, which is manufactured by Bayer, the pharmaceutical company behind Yaz.

Health officials in the UK announced their new initiative amid reports that newer types of oral contraceptives place women at two times the risk of developing blood clots.

Both Yasmin and Yaz contain a newer type of synthetic hormone, what is called a third-generation progestin. A number of these third-generation progestins have been linked to an increased risk in the development of blood clots. Drospirenone, the type of progestin present in both Yasmin and Yaz, as well as generic counterpart Ocella, is just such a progestin that has been linked through numerous studies to a higher risk of venous thromboembolism.

The personal injury and defective drug lawyers at Carey Danis & Lowe are encouraged to see health officials in the United Kingdom act on the serious threats posed by Yasmin and Yaz to patient health and safety.

Carey Danis & Lowe represents victims of Yasmin and Yaz across the United States. If you believe that you have been injured by Yasmin or Yaz, we welcome you to begin exploring your legal options and eligibility for compensation today with a Carey Danis & Lowe attorney. Our initial case evaluations are free.

Carey Danis & Lowe is available to listen to your story today. Share with us how Yasmin or Yaz has impacted your health and quality of life. Contact Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or complete one of our confidential personal injury claim forms.