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Two Similar Missouri Car Accidents – Two Vastly Different Outcomes

By September 20, 2012July 10th, 2019Highway Safety, Trucking Accidents, Trucking Laws

What’s the difference between a fatal Missouri car accident and one that’s annoying – perhaps even terrifying – but not life-ending or even life-changing?
The difference can be inches. The difference can be small, unpredictable forces of chance.
If you were recently hurt in a truck accident or car accident in Missouri, understand that hundreds or even thousands of small dynamic factors may have contributed to what happened and/or protected you and others involved from a worst fate.
Two recent accidents illustrate this point. The first was a tragedy – a fatal accident in North St Louis. A car driving on the Natural Bridge sideswiped another car and then smashed into a cement wall. The female passenger, Mbonakira Lewis, died at the hospital from complications of her injuries; the male driver remains hospitalized. Fortunately, the driver of the car that got sideswiped was not injured. But obviously this was a very sad situation, and hopefully an investigation will reveal what exactly happened and why.
Meanwhile, out in Marshfield, Missouri, a driver fell asleep at 3 in the morning on I-44. 34-year-old Lori Kittel fell asleep north of Marshfield and slammed into a cable, flipping her SUV. Amazingly, despite the vehicular acrobatics, both Kittel and her passenger, 25-year-old Terry Watson, only suffered moderate injuries. They were taken to a hospital in Springfield for treatment.
Obviously, in an ideal world, both of these accidents would never have happened, and no one would have been hurt. But these two stories, told in parallel, highlight how exquisitely small and arbitrary factors can influence the effects of an accident. Had the SUV not done a full rotation — but only done a three-quarter rotation — both women could have been killed. Conversely, had Lewis’ vehicle hit the other car at a slightly different angle, her outcome could have been better.
For help understanding the subtleties of your Missouri car accident, get in touch with the team here at Carey, Danis & Lowe. Get insightful and steady guidance about what to do and what steps to take.