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Trucking Company Involved in Fatal Accident Previously Cited for Unsafe Driving 23 Times

By January 9, 2013July 16th, 2019Uncategorized

On December 19th, a semi truck crashed, triggering a chain-reaction on the Long Island Expressway that resulted in one death. Another individual suffered critical injuries. According to a Fox News report on December 22, the trucking company involved, Jewell Transportation Inc., had a problematic safety record. Newsday reported that the Vermont trucking company had been cited over 23 times since 2011 for unsafe driving. Furthermore, federal transportation records indicate that the company’s fleet trucks have been involved in several trucking accidents, including a fatal one that occurred in New York last July.

The accident on December 19th occurred when the semi collided with multiple vehicles. This caused a 35-car pileup on the Long Island Expressway. Christa Zeph, a 68-year-old Blue Point resident was killed and Robert Murphy, a 57-year-old resident of Lloyd Harbor was critically injured. In total, 33 people were injured in the massive trucking accident.

As of yet, authorities have not stated if the truck’s driver was at fault, but the trucking company and the truck’s driver have secured an attorney.

In cases like this, the investigation begins immediately, as it is imperative that the scene is thoroughly examined and as much physical evidence as possible is collected. However, the work continues long after the wreckage is cleared, and investigations can last weeks or months before completion.

It is critical that additional evidence is collected as soon as possible in order to get to the truth of what happened. Vehicle maintenance records, cell phone logs, and truck driver logs can be vital pieces of the puzzle when determining liability and fault in a trucking accident and often play a key role in verdicts and settlements. These items must be acquired immediately or they may be misplaced or destroyed before fault can be determined.

If you or a loved one is injured in a trucking accident, contact an attorney immediately before valuable evidence that could hold the at-fault party responsible is lost.

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