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Truckers Beware… Again: First Massachusetts, Now Connecticut

By August 24, 2010July 9th, 2019Uncategorized

In a recent blog, we told you about Massachusetts setting up surprise truck inspection stations in an effort to cut down on truckers with violations who manage to bypass or otherwise avoid highway weigh stations. Massachusetts’ huge success with its program now has led to a crackdown in the neighboring state of Connecticut. In Massachusetts, these portable inspection stations have cut fatal trucking accidents by 20 percent, giving Massachusetts the lowest commercial vehicle fatality rate in the country.

Back on August 2nd, Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell ordered increased enforcement in her state to curtail unsafe trucking practices after several high profile crashes involving large commercial vehicles caused traffic jams, injuries and fatalities on the state’s roadways. More than 500 Connecticut state troopers and the Department of Motor Vehicles’ truck squad are involved in the enforcement efforts.

“People in Connecticut are simply fed up with dangerous driving,” Gov. Rell said. “This truck safety crackdown sends a strong message that Connecticut laws will be enforced and so that we can keep Connecticut highways safe for all.”

In less than one month, the patrols by the DMV truck squad and the state police have resulted in some pretty impressive numbers: nearly $650,000 in fines; more than 3,600 violations (including more than 1,000 tire, brake and light violations); more than 500 oversize or overweight vehicle violations; more than 400 license, registration and logbook violations; and at least 150 tickets for tailgating, reckless driving or speeding.

“The vast majority of truck drivers are safe and courteous professionals who take their job seriously and drive in a sensible way,” Gov. Rell said. “Those who do not will pay for it — or find that they are better off avoiding Connecticut altogether.”

Make that Connecticut AND its northern neighbor, Massachusetts! Truckers had better be on their best behavior while traveling through the northeast corridor.