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New Court Document Filed in Consolidated West Virginia Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

transvaginal_mesh_lawsuit_settlements_mdl_multidistrict_litigation_class_action_lawsuit_vaginal_mesh_fda_lawsuitsA new pretrial order document has been filed in two of the six transvaginal mesh multidistrict litigations (MDLs) in a federal court in West Virginia. Filed in the Ethicon MDL and the American Medical Systems MDL, the court document pertains to severing claims. According to the court document, written by Judge Joseph R. Goodwin, there are two transvaginal mesh lawsuits consolidated into the Ethicon MDL, and three lawsuits consolidated into the American Medical Systems MDL, that wrongly combine more than one plaintiff into a single case.

Judge Goodwin ruled to dismiss the co-plaintiffs from these five lawsuits due to the inappropriate merging of plaintiffs into one lawsuit. However, these individuals have been granted the opportunity to resubmit their claims to the West Virginia federal court.

Lawsuits that name spouses as a co-plaintiff will not be dismissed and do not require separate filings, as the claims demonstrate relation.

Carey Danis & Lowe represents victims of defective medical devices, including those who have used transvaginal mesh products manufactured by Ethicon and American Medical Systems. We frequently hear from women who believe that their injuries, pain, and suffering are the result of having been implanted with a defective transvaginal mesh device.

If you have injuries that you believe originated from defective transvaginal mesh, you may have a case worthy of compensation. Contact the St. Louis class action attorneys at Carey Danis & Lowe for a free case evaluation.

Furthermore, if you would like to learn more about how transvaginal mesh can impact your health, speak with one of our on-staff nurses, who can tell you more about transvaginal mesh erosion and mesh contraction.

Share your story about how a defective medical device has impacted your life with Carey Danis & Lowe today by calling 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form.

Also, learn more about these West Virginia MDLs by reading about settlement discussions and about a recent jury verdict in Cisson v C. R. Bard. Check the Carey Danis & Lowe personal injury litigation blog frequently for updates on transvaginal mesh lawsuits and more.