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Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit News: New Study Presents Mesh Complications

transvaginal_mesh_lawsuit_complications_mesh_erosion_pop_tvm_vaginal_mesh_lawsuitsA new study looking at the long term benefits and disadvantages of using transvaginal mesh. Published in September 2013 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the study is called Three-Year Outcomes of Vaginal Mesh for Prolapse: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Researchers collected information on patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) over a three year period. Thirty-three of the patients treated their POP using transvaginal mesh, while the other thirty-two sought alternative treatments not involving mesh.

The study came to a standstill early on due to a high rate of mesh exposure at 15.6%.

Additionally, three of the study participants underwent revision surgery to alleviate further POP complications. These three participants were part of the transvaginal mesh group.

In all, the researchers concluded that treating POP using transvaginal mesh demonstrated no marked improvement over other POP treatment options.

As a national law firm representing women who claim to have endured suffering and injury after receiving a transvaginal mesh implant, Carey Danis & Lowe considers this study to be of incredible importance in shining a light on the benefits and disadvantages of certain treatment options for POP. The study clearly indicates that treating POP with transvaginal mesh has no benefit over non-mesh treatments. In fact, the study recorded more complications in those patients implanted with transvaginal mesh versus those patients who sought a non-mesh treatment.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), when using transvaginal mesh to treat POP, the most commonly reported adverse events include mesh erosion and mesh contraction. In addition, transvaginal mesh has been blamed for pelvic area pain, painful intercourse, bleeding, organ damage, and infection.

Carey Danis & Lowe transvaginal mesh lawyers believe that in cases where medical device manufacturers release an unsafe product onto the market, it is of utmost importance to hold these companies responsible. Our transvaginal mesh lawyers work diligently to grant you a day in court to voice your grievances and share your stories of suffering and injury.

If you or someone you love has been injured by a transvaginal mesh product, share your story with Carey Danis & Lowe. We are currently offering free legal evaluations of transvaginal mesh cases, and can assist you in filing a transvaginal mesh lawsuit. Also, reach out to one of our on-staff nurses for more information about transvaginal mesh health issues.

Contact Carey Danis & Lowe today by calling 800.721.2519, or by submitting a personal injury claim form.