What the Traffic Deaths on the Rise Statistics Revealed
From January to June 2015 there were more than 18,600 accident-related deaths. Compared to 2014, this is remarkably high – since 2014 only saw 16,400 deaths within that same time period. The NSC also estimates the cost of these deadly crashes to be $152 billion. This includes costs such as wage and productivity losses, medical costs, administrative expenses, employer costs, and costs from property damages. This number is up by 24 percent from the same period in 2014.
According to a recent article released by CNN Money, 2015 may be the deadliest year for drivers since 2007. Already the number of traffic fatalities is up 14 percent in 2015, according to data released by the National Safety Council nonprofit organization. With the number of fatalities so astoundingly high, it begs the question as to whether or not more deaths will be seen for the rest of the year.
Why the Increase?
The NSC has several theories as to why there has been a sudden increase in the number of auto accident deaths in 2015. These three theories include:
- More Drivers on the Road Due to Jobs – As the United States economy continues to grow, the number of drivers commuting each day grows with it. Jobs have been steadily increasing in 2015 and the number of jobs gained in July alone was 215,000.
- More Drivers Due to Cheaper Gas Prices – The NSC also states that the jump in fatalities is because there are more vehicles on the road due to cheaper gas prices. On average, gas prices are down by 30 percent compared to 2014. This gives people less incentive to carpool, increasing the number of vehicles on the road each day.
- Distracted Driving – The third explanation for the increase in traffic deaths is due to the fact that drivers are more distracted today than they were a few years ago. Thanks to technology, especially smartphones, drivers tend to use these devices while driving – even when it is against the law to do so. More Americans, according to the NSC, are on their phones regardless of cellphone bans.
These statistics only compare January to June of 2015; the rest of the year has yet to come. The NSC feels that 2015 is already on its way to being the most dangerous year since 2007, especially as more jobs flood the market, gas prices remain low and technology distracts drivers.
Injured in an Accident? Contact a St. Louis Car Accident Attorney
If you were injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a traffic accident, contact Carey, Danis & Lowe Attorneys at Law. We can evaluate your case and help determine if you are entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages or funeral costs. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation by calling toll-free at 877-678-3400 or fill out an online contact form.