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Studies Show Surgery Alleviates Pain of Defective Transvaginal Mesh Victims

transvaginal_mesh_lawsuit_settlements_mdl_multidistrict_litigation_class_action_lawsuit_vaginal_mesh_fda_lawsuitsTwo research studies published late last year gathered intriguing data about transvaginal mesh and surgical treatments to mollify patient pain and other side effects. Researchers involved in these two studies found that, following surgical operations, patients continued to suffer from persistent pain, though it was alleviated.

One research study was published in the International Urogynecology Journal in October 2013, and the other article was published in the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal in December 2013.

The study published in the International Urogynecology Journal is titled “Short-term surgical outcomes and characteristics of patients with mesh complications from pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence surgery”. Conducted over an eleven year period, the motivation to execute the study was to collect useful information on patient health and well being following surgical operations to repair and remove defective transvaginal mesh.

Researchers involved in the International Urogynecology Journal study found that nearly 56% of participating patients had chronic pelvic pain, with 54% experiencing dyspareunia, and 31% with abnormal vaginal discharge.

In concluding their findings, the researchers stated that, though mesh removal is a useful treatment for patients, the severe pelvic pain and other side effects continue, though somewhat mollified.

Carey Danis & Lowe Can Help You

Carey Danis & Lowe is dedicated to providing expert legal counsel and useful health resources to victims of defective transvaginal mesh. If you believe that you have been injured by transvaginal mesh, attorneys at Carey Danis & Lowe encourage you to explore your legal options with us today. Our initial consultations are free, and our attorneys can assist you with filing a transvaginal mesh lawsuit.

As we are dedicated to providing you with both legal and medical expertise, Carey Danis & Lowe has a team of medical professionals committed to providing you with current patient health and safety information relating to transvaginal mesh. If you have concerns about transvaginal mesh and your health, you are welcome to discuss them with one of our on-staff nurses.

Carey Danis & Lowe is here to listen to your transvaginal mesh story, and provide you with real solutions. Contact us today by calling 800.721.2519, or by submitting a confidential personal injury claim form.