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Second Federal Trial Over Boston Scientific Transvaginal Mesh

boston_scientifi_transvaginal_mesh_lawsuitCreating a medical product with materials not intended for medical use is a dangerous practice. A manufacturer of transvaginal mesh products, Boston Scientific, is purported to have done just that in bringing their mesh to market.

During closing arguments in the second federal trial over Boston Scientific transvaginal mesh, plaintiffs’ legal representatives contended that Boston Scientific acted in opposition of warnings in developing their mesh products, which include the Obtryx.

According to an article published by Bloomberg on this case, Boston Scientific received warnings from the company responsible for manufacturing the mesh used in Boston Scientific’s transvaginal mesh products. These warnings outlined the fact that the mesh should not be used for medical purposes. Nevertheless, Boston Scientific ignored such clear warnings, and used the unsafe mesh material in their transvaginal mesh products.

Indications that the mesh material is ill-suited for internal medical use are studies, presented by the plaintiffs, that Boston Scientific’s transvaginal mesh can shrink after implantation. Sometimes this mesh shrinkage is so severe, the product becomes half its original size.

Such a dramatic metamorphosis of the transvaginal mesh occurring inside of a woman’s body is certainly a health hazard.

The Bloomberg article also notes that, in the plaintiffs’ closing argument, not only did Boston Scientific make use of an unsafe mesh material, but they also bypassed the testing phase, taking their transvaginal mesh straight to market.

As a result of Boston Scientific’s appalling product development decisions, thousands of women in the U.S. have suffered tremendous injuries.

We Are Available to Hear Your Story

Carey Danis & Lowe represents women who have sustained transvaginal mesh injuries. If you believe that your injuries and losses are the result of defective transvaginal mesh, we would like you to know that we are available to hear your story.

As a defective medical device law firm, we offer free, no-obligation case evaluations.

Share your transvaginal mesh story with one of our lawyers today. Contact our law offices by phone at 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form.