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Investors Feel Deceived and Sue Bayer Over Yaz/Yasmin

By January 10, 2011July 10th, 2019Uncategorized

Investors in Yaz/Yasmin are suing the drugs’ manufacturer, Bayer, claiming Bayer purposely deceived them in order to get them to invest in the popular birth control pills.

Bayer already has been sued by a countless number of young women that have suffered from various health problems after taking Yaz and Yasmin. The lawsuits likely will keep on coming until the statute of limitations runs out on filing. Now, to make matters worse for Bayer, some of its investors also are bailing on the company and filing lawsuits of their own.

A lot of the investors are feeling as if Bayer deceived them just as much as the public was in terms of the harmful side effects of the drug. Some of the investors even contend that they may not have invested in the drug had they known that the drug can cause such harmful adverse effects on young women as heart complications, strokes, gallbladder disease, pulmonary embolisms and blood clots.

On October 13, 2010, a lawsuit was filed against Bayer with the claimants saying that Bayer knowingly hid the adverse effects of the drugs Yaz and Yasmin just to boost sales. Bayer also has been accused of deceiving its investors. Some of the investors that had invested in Bayer include two firefighter pension funds as well as Pennsylvania city employees.

Investors are claiming that since Bayer hid the negative side effects from its investors, the company basically defrauded them by giving false estimates on how much the pharmaceutical company was worth as well as the worth of the birth control products that it makes. With Bayer going through all of these lawsuits, it stands to reason that investors in the drug have likely suffered from the negative press Yaz and Yasmin have gotten. They may also be feeling as if they are being linked (at least in the public’s mind) to the alleged deception. In this case, there is no surprise that investors are suing.