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Harvard Study Shows No Improvement with Testosterone Use

By September 11, 2015October 22nd, 2018Pharmaceutical litigation, Testosterone

testosteronegellawsuitA recent study led by Harvard researchers didn’t show meaningful improvement in men with low testosterone. Results from the study beg the question “Why are men with low testosterone being treated with the drug if it doesn’t fix their issues?”

One of the reason that testosterone use has doubled in 5 years is that drug companies are marketing to the aging baby boomer population. After seeing the persuasive ads from the drug manufacturers, men march into their doctor’s offices and demand the drug.

Shalender Bhasin, one of the study’s main researchers, call the sharp increase in testosterone use an “artificial epidemic.” Bhasin goes on to say that men would be better off asking their doctor to prescribe Viagra or similar drugs that have proved their effectiveness.

Unfortunately, these men are seeking help for fatigue, poor sleep, a flagging libido and other minor symptoms. In March the FDA clamped down on drug makers by requiring labelling changes. Now they need to emphasize that testosterone is only approved for men with severe medical conditions like chemotherapy damage or testicular injury.

Additionally, drug companies are required to include warnings that using testosterone possibly increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Have you been injured by using testosterone?

Carey Danis & Lowe represents men who have been harmed by using testosterone. Our personal injury lawyers are currently investigating these types of cases; if you have suffered physical injuries from taking testosterone, we encourage you to contact us for a free legal consultation.

Call us at 800-721-2519 or contact us online to schedule a private consultation. We’ll guide you through your legal options and compensation eligibility; and if applicable, we will walk you through the process of filing a testosterone lawsuit.