Imagine working through the whole corn growing season. Imagine putting in those long days.
Then, once your corn product is ready to go to market, imagine the financial stress of receiving word of your corn product’s rejection or price reduction.
Frustrated U.S. Corn Growers
Many U.S. corn growers experienced financial loss in the past several years. Their losses are the result of using Syngenta GMO corn seeds; losses also stem from cross-pollination of their non-GMO corn product with a nearby field of GMO corn.
For corn growers who used Syngenta corn seeds, financial losses resulted from rejected corn exports, particularly when attempting to export to China.
Corn growers also experienced financial losses as a result of their non-GMO corn product being substantially reduced in price due to cross-pollination with GMO corn crops.
We Work to Recover Losses for U.S. Corn Growers
Our team of corn farmer attorneys are investigating GMO corn seed cases brought to us by frustrated farmers, corn distributors, and others involved in the corn growing and exporting business.
File a GMO Corn Seed Lawsuit
Interested in filing a GMO corn seed lawsuit?
During a free case evaluation, our attorneys guide you through your legal options, filing a GMO corn seed lawsuit, and eligibility for compensation.
Contact Us
Carey Danis & Lowe is available to listen to your GMO corn seed case, and provide you with advice on how to move forward.
Contact our law offices at 800.721.2519. You can also reach us online by completing a confidential claim form.
We look forward to offering any legal assistance that we can.
Read Our Law Blog
Stay up-to-date on the latest news regarding GMO corn and GMO corn lawsuits by reading our law blog.
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