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Experts: You Can Still File Paxil Birth Defects Lawsuit

By September 26, 2011Uncategorized

Any parents who have noticed that the FDA warnings and television commercials about Paxil birth defects have started to ebb in the past couple of years may also be interested to know that this doesn’t mean that time has run out for filing Paxil birth defects lawsuits. In fact, experts are saying just the opposite.

If you have considered filing a Paxil birth defects lawsuit, there is still time to do so. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times on December 15, 2002, it is estimated that up to 37 million Paxil prescriptions were written in 2002 alone. FDA estimates show that 19.7 million prescriptions were filed in 2007. This shows that millions of children may have been born with birth defects caused by the mother’s Paxil use.

Health experts from all over the world have conducted research that shows that SSRI medications like Paxil cause severe birth defects when they are taken during pregnancy. The most common birth defects that have been linked to Paxil and other SSRIs include heart defects, lung conditions, skull deformities, club foot, brain and spinal defects as well as abdominal defects. These conditions can alter a child’s quality of life drastically and have even caused death for some.

While many parents have considered filing a lawsuit, some may have been turned away by law firms that are no longer accepting birth defects cases. However, an article in Bloomberg (July 20, 2010) estimates that GlaxoSmithKline has paid an average of $1.2 million per Paxil lawsuit as a means of settling cases that were centered around serious birth defects. The point here is that there are still law firms that are helping families file Paxil birth defects lawsuits, and many are recovering significant amounts of money for their clients. If you have been trying to file a Paxil birth defects lawsuit, there is still time.