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CDC Weighs in on Yaz Dangers for New Mothers

By September 21, 2011July 10th, 2019Uncategorized

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently weighed in on the controversial oral contraceptive Yaz and is warning new mothers not to take it or its sister pill, Yasmin.

The CDC is saying that women should not take estrogen-based birth control pills like Yaz or Yasmin within the first 3-6 weeks after giving birth because their own research has shown that the mothers who take estrogen-filled birth control pills in the first six weeks of giving birth are far more likely to develop potentially deadly blood clots. This risk is even higher if the mother is older than 34 or had a C-section.

Dr. Naomi Tepper, a researcher in the CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health, says “the evidence we looked at showed that the risk was really much higher than we previously thought.” This conclusion reflects some serious backtracking, since older CDC guidelines, which were released only a year ago, were quite reassuring when talking to new mothers about the risks associated with Yaz and Yasmin. In fact, the CDC assured them that they weren’t at a higher risk than anyone else of suffering from Yaz adverse side effects after giving birth.

The fact that the CDC did a complete 180 on the subject has many people wondering if they will file a Yaz lawsuit after developing blood clots. For its part, the CDC report does state that all women are at risk of developing blood clots because of Yaz if they take it immediately after giving birth, but that information is again too late since most of the women being warned have already suffered from the effects.

The CDC may finally be admitting the potential threat of estrogen-filled oral contraceptives like Yaz and Yasmin, but this information is hardly new. Thousands of Yaz lawsuits have been filed already due to the thousands of blood clots that have harmed many women and were fatal for others. This new admission of it by the CDC is years too late for some women, but at least the agency finally caught up.