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California Yaz Lawsuit Moved to MDL in Illinois

By November 21, 2011July 10th, 2019Uncategorized

Complaints filed by Pearcia and Eric LaPointe represent the most recent Yaz lawsuit centering around blood clots. The LaPointes are a married couple whose lawsuit was removed from a California state court on October 26 of this year. The case instead was sent to the federal U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of California in Sacramento.

This move is the beginning of having the couple’s case joined with various other cases that focus on deep vein thrombosis caused by Yaz. The case that the LaPointe’s complaint will be joined to is a Yaz multidistrict litigation (MDL) that is taking place in Illinois. The LaPointes originally filed their lawsuit on July 19, 2011, in California’s Superior Court.

Pearcia LaPointe first started taking Yaz back in 2005 and took the medication until 2009. When she was two months pregnant, Pearcia developed blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. Pearcia’s complaints state that Yaz is directly responsible for her baby’s birth defects. Pearcia gave birth to a daughter, Arden LaPointe, on January 6, 2010 with “severe birth defects.” Peacria also suffered from what she calls “grievous and serious injuries” and “great pain and suffering” brought on by her deep vein thrombosis.

Both of the LaPointes believe that the birth control pill was “negligently and carelessly tested” and “not properly developed, inspected, processed, or labeled.” The LaPointes do not mince words when they say that Yaz is a “defective and dangerous product” that is “unsafe and unsuitable for use.” There are thousands of lawsuits just like the LaPointes’ that all claim the same thing. In fact, various research studies found that Yaz causes dangerous blood clots and deep vein thrombosis in women taking the pills. A very recent study conducted by researchers analyzing data of Israeli women confirms the previous Yaz blood clot dangers. Bellwether trials are due to begin in January 2012.