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California Woman Files First Yaz Kidney Stone Lawsuit

By September 17, 2012July 16th, 2019Uncategorized

Recently it was announced that the birth control pill Yaz may cause kidney stones as well as the other deadly conditions linked to it. Now, a California woman has filed a Yaz lawsuit, blaming the pills for her kidney stones.

This is the first known Yaz lawsuit to focus on kidney stones instead of the more well-known side effects, which include heart attacks, strokes, gallbladder disease and blood clots that can lead to pulmonary embolisms and deep vein thrombosis. In addition, around the time that kidney stones were mentioned as a possible side effect linked to Yaz, irritable bowel syndrome was also viewed as a new potential condition caused by the pills.

While it may take a little bit of time for kidney stone lawsuits to pick up steam, this lawsuit likely will end up being the first of thousands more just like it if the plaintiff can link the pills to her condition. Bayer certainly has its hands full with the thousands of lawsuits already pending in the courts. The company recently settled more than a thousand lawsuits, indicating that more lawsuits could be settled amicably in the future. In fact, the presiding judge over the Yaz bellwether trials, Judge David R. Herndon, has extended the start date for the trials in the hopes that more settlements can be reached between Bayer and the plaintiffs.

While Yaz side effects suits continue to be filed against Bayer, more and more conditions are being linked to the pills. Even though kidney stones and irritable bowel are the most recent to be connected through studies, more may be just around the corner. Scientists continue to study the negative effects of drospirenone, a synthetic progestin which is the main active ingredient in the pills. Many believe that it is just a matter of time before Yaz is found to be too dangerous for public consumption and is removed from the market.