Persistent pain is a symptom of vaginal mesh erosion and removal. If persistent pain exists before vaginal mesh is removed, the likelihood of continued pain post-removal is very high.
According to a recent report from the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, “What Is New in the Use of Mesh in Vaginal Surgery?”, about 51% of women who experienced persistent pain prior to removal of their transvaginal mesh continued to experience pain post-removal.
The doctor who authored the report, Dr. John R. Fischer, was quoted by WBUR, the NPR news station in Boston, as saying that “of the many symptoms that are treated with mesh excision, persistent pain may be the most difficult.”
Unfortunately for many of the patients whose cases were reviewed for the report, a surgical procedure intended to relieve pain and suffering caused by defective transvaginal mesh resulted only in a continuation of pain and suffering.
Legal Assistance for Mesh Victims
Carey Danis & Lowe is a national law firm that represents women in vaginal mesh lawsuits. Our team of defective medical device lawyers work tirelessly to recover losses for our clients.
If you or someone you love has been injured by transvaginal mesh, one of our attorneys can guide you through your legal options, and determine your eligibility to receive compensation. Our law firm offers free, no obligation case evaluations.
Contact Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or by completing a confidential personal injury claim form.
We look forward to offering you any legal assistance that we can.
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