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Product Liability

Product liability litigation pertains to legal action that holds accountable companies and corporations who knowingly or unknowingly release a product onto the marketplace with defects, malfunctioning parts, and other issues that result in harm and injury to a consumer. Product liability lawsuits protect consumers who have used faulty, defective products.

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Consumers can seek to claim negligence on the part of the manufacturer if said manufacturer released their product with the knowledge that their product posed a significant danger to the consumer due to their product’s incomplete research phase, poor design, or other reasons pertaining to the manufacture of defective, malfunctioning products.

Product liability litigation covers a broad range of industries from the transportation industry, and the manufacture of automobiles, to the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and the manufacture of medical devices and medications.

Attorneys at Carey Danis & Lowe have years of trial and counsel experience in litigating product liability cases. With offices across the United States, our trial lawyers are both highly experienced and well-positioned to provide representation and legal counsel in product liability lawsuits.

Also see Defective drug & Pharmaceutical product liability



Product liability litigation has included, but is not limited to: Fen-Phen litigation; Asbestos Mesothelioma litigation; Baycol litigation; Trasylol litigation; Vioxx litigation; Bextra/Celebrex litigation; Rezulin litigation; Levaquin litigation; Yaz/Yasmin litigation; Avandia litigation; Alli Diet pill litigation; Chantix litigation; Cipro litigation; Digitek litigation; Fentanyl Transdermal patch litigation; Fosamax litigation; Selective Serotonin ReUptake Inhibitor (SSRI) litigation; Zince poisoning & Denture cream litigation; Zyprexa litigation; Reglan litigation; Transvaginal & Kugel Mesh patch litigation; Ortho Evra patch litigation; Gardasil litigation; Guidant cardiac defribrillator recall litigation; Heparin litigation; Hormone replacement therapy litigation; Knee & Hip replacement recall litigation; Sprint cardiac lead recall litigation.

*Carey Danis & Lowe has settled many additional cases for their clients. Unfortunately, this information cannot be made public due to confidentiality clauses and the sensitive nature of personal cases. We work for our clients. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Satisfaction is our goal.

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Experienced Attorneys who fight for Justice & your Well-being
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