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Farmers are Shunning GMO Crops

By October 6, 2015April 4th, 2022Consumer protection, GMO
gmo corn class action lawsuit

As worrisome concerns increase about consuming and using genetically modified organisms (GMOs), farmers are turning to non-GMO seeds. There are several reasons for this transformation, most of which directly hit the farmer’s wallet.

  • When a GMO crop is planted next to a non-GMO crop, there’s a chance that the companion GMO herbicide will inadvertently hit the traditional crop. The accidental spray renders the harvest unable to be sold as a “traditional” or organic crop.
  • Corn and soybeans are usually fertilized through pollen in the air. When both kinds of crops are in the same vicinity, it’s next to impossible to prevent cross pollination. Once the non-GMO crop is contaminated with the genetically modified one, it can’t be sold as non-GMO. This creates hardships for the farmer because GMO grains go for a lower price in the market place.
  • Finally, famers have been noticing that newly resistant weeds are growing in the fields with GMO plants treated with partner herbicides. If the seed\chemical combination isn’t’ working, it doesn’t make sense to pay more for the GMO seeds.

Selling crops at a lower price than expected, or having crops rejected for containing genetically-modified material significantly impacts farmers’ livelihood.

Carey Danis & Lowe Represents U.S. Corn Growers

If you’ve lost income from cross contamination or cross pollination, our professional corn attorneys can help. Explore your legal options and compensation eligibility with one of our lawyers today.

Carey Danis & Lowe offers free, no-obligation legal reviews.

Share your GMO corn story with us. Call Carey Danis & Lowe by phone at 800.721.2519, or complete one of our confidential claim forms.

We look forward to offering assistance to protect your livelihood.