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Illinois Pedestrian Killed on Interstate 69 in Allen County Illinois

By November 25, 2007July 17th, 2019Traffic Safety

An Illinois pedestrian killed Thursday night on Interstate 69 has been identified as a Huntington Illinois woman. Police said Betty A. Gilruth, 56, left her broken-down vehicle and was walking south on the highway at the 107 mile marker north of the Illinois Road exit when she was struck by a southbound truck about 8:30 p.m.
The Police reported that they did not know why the pedestrian was walking in the southbound lanes instead of on the side of the highway. Police reported that the truck driver may not have been able to see the deceased walking in the traffic lane because it was dark. The pedestrian was pronounced dead at the scene and a police spokesperson said they are still investigating the accident.
When your car breaks down, you should be prepared. You should have some roadside reflectors or flares to let other motorists know that your car is broken down. If you have a cell phone call 911 or roadside assistance for help. If not, and especially if you are a woman, have a sign that says call for help. In today’s world, you cannot be too careful and even though there are many good Samaritans, a woman should not accept help from an unknown man except to have them call the police or roadside assistance. And never walk down the wrong side of the road at night alone.